Life Style
Rooibos Tea
To educate and create awareness of a healthy lifestyle through the use and sale of our products and indirectly create employment within disadvantaged communities.
To always produce a consistent quality product from farm to consumer.
About Us
Our story dates back many years ago with family growing up and farming for centuries within the Rooibos areas. In the year 2015, we started digging deeper into the Rooibos industry. The interest grew stronger as we started going into the international market visiting a number of countries such as London, America, Shanghai, South Korea, Ghana and Malaysia. We noticed that each country has a specific taste and way of enjoying their tea as well as the different blends of each country prefer. This is why we invested in a Rooibos farm in the year 2018. We have all the expertise to produce a high-quality consist bush of Rooibos tea. With the recent drought, we have invested all our resources on producing a quality bush and this has paid off with the results we received. Our farm is situated in the perfect area for this wonder bush to grow, warm and rocky mountains which force the root of the Rooibos bush to dig deeper and suck up all the healthy minerals to produce a high-quality premium product.
What We
We focus on farming and distributing quality rooibos tea from the farm to the consumer. We focus on the following:
We supply raw conventional and organic rooibos tea in 18kg paper bags and mass bags. We have retail-ready pouches for retail stores, restaurants, and coffee shops.

What We Do?
We focus on farming and distributing quality rooibos tea from the farm to the consumer. We focus on the following:
We supply raw conventional and organic rooibos tea in 18kg paper bags and mass bags. We have retail-ready pouches for retail stores, restaurants, and coffee shops.

Way’s to enjoy

- a cup of strong rooibos
- 1 tsp of lemon
- 1 tsp of honey
- ½ tsp of preferably fresh ginger (try a full tsp if it’s not too strong)
- a pinch of cayenne pepper
- 6 cups Water
- 2 tablespoons loose tea or 4 bags.
- Sweetener to taste; honey stevia, sugar, etc.
- 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
- Ice Cubes
Become an Agent
Love rooibos tea? Why not introduce it to others to share your love and passion while earning extra money. Get in touch with us to become an agent. Rooibos Tea has been a household necessity for generations in South Africa and setting big trends all around the world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Start today….!!!!